en Homesession
Carrer de la Creu dels Molers, 15
08004 Barcelona
Viernes 28 de Octubre 19-22h
Performance de Alexis Chevallier & Gabriel Haberland y Désaxées (Mélissa Brun & Adelyne Hugueni-Virchaux)
Sábado 29 de Octubre 14-21h
19-21h Performance de Elisa Duca/bösediva
El proyecto “Image/ Sound: Concept and Position” se llevará a cabo en la ciudad de Barcelona y sus alrededores, aprovechando y tomando en consideración su gran diversidad cultural y social. Para ello, a nivel metodológico se propone colaborar con personas del ámbito local implicadas en la vida cultural y social de ciudad.
El proyecto presenta una selección de artistas que reflexionan sobre la práctica artística en relación con la construcción de una identidad propia según los contextos económicos, sociales, políticos e históricos.
El proceso participativo y la invitación artistas se materializa en una diversidad de procesos de trabajo y de formas de visibilidad (vídeo, performance, exposiciones), incluyendo además algunas obras de los equipos participantes en el proyecto: Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona, Roue Libre project y Bösediva.
The projectl will take place in and around Barcelona with a great cultural and social diversity. It is to be in collaboration with local people involved with the cultural and Social life of Barcelona.
Presents selection of artists which reflects on the idea of the artistic practice, it is try to practice deals with history and the construction of the self in reference to economic, social, political, and historical conditions. The goal is to implement and to involve to a new approach to contemporary creation by involving the audience as a protagonist of the artistic project and by supporting projects showing diversity of work processes and forms of visibility (Video, Performances, Exhibitions), includes works of participates team Universitat de Barcelona of Faculty of Fine Arts, Roue Libre project and bösediva.
Barcelona MACBA Square
24/10/2016 AT 19:00H TO 23:00H
From Homesession, the curator Chun-Chi proposed us to develop a collaborative project whose aim was to establish links with foreign persons residing in Barcelona, especially in the Ciutat Vella district. Our idea of collective discussion that arose following address an issue consider how our experience so far and yet so close to our reality, how is immigration.
Speaking between us on the proposal, debate arose on how and from what position we should deal with this approach, as equals, and trying to avoid contact by interests other than those involved. In this process of discussion, we realized that it was paradoxical put these conflicts on the table from a distance, so to try to put into play this unresolved conflict we decided to take the public space, so that people could participate in this .
Thus, raising the inverted approach: we propose the assembly of a panel discussion, open and inclusive, accompanied by beers usually bought from peddlers of foreign origin, with the contradiction that it entails. It will be held in the Plaça dels Angels for three main reasons. First, to meet in front of the art institution representing the MACBA; secondly, because immigration is remarkable; and finally, because it is a meeting place for young people like us, and therefore belongs to our daily reality.
Participates : Albert G, Anna V, Antonio D, Carla G, Fabià C, Íria R, Júlia G, Laia G, Martí M, Mireia O, Mireia P, Pau G, Paula G, i Sofía G. (Universitat de Barcelona of Faculty of Fine Arts,)
Universitat de Barcelona of Faculty of Fine Arts
28/9/2016 & 10/10/2016 & 26/10/2016
The workshop is about the artistic practice is located in the act of transcending the boundaries between art and social research. Through emergent forms of social engagement and site-making, consequently art practice can be seen as a form of intellectual and imaginative inquiry. The primary goal of workshop is to introduce some of the possibilities of ‘artistic research as a means of engagement and production, and as a discursive field. A mix of lectures, group discussions, and workshop activities will be organized to stimulate an exchange of perspectives on the broad subject of artistic research. The workshop explores the formal presentation issues of senior student’s artistic practice of acting in front of the MACBA at on October 24, and how to come to bring the work to its fullest possible resolution.
Here are the research proposal of Senior grades student (Albert G, Anna V, Antonio D, Carla G, Fabià C, Íria R, Júlia G, Laia G, Martí M, Mireia O, Mireia P, Pau G, Paula G, i Sofía G) :
The idea of workshop on (October 26 at the Faculty of Fine Arts, is working with freshmen and propose a debate on how to carry out a project about immigration, such put before us by Chun-Chi Wang, currently resident in Homesession. We thought it would be interesting, firstly because a project immediately opens the debate on the ethical issue; whether it is right to talk about it from our position because of the sensitivity of the matter as concerned and with all its connotations. Secondly, we would contribute to the debate with our particular vision, a posteriori of our acting on October 24 in front of the MACBA ; what conclusions we draw from all this and what things could have been done differently. Moreover, we believe the fact to talk about that with young students it will be positive for them, we did't had this kind of debate during our fist year at University. Talk about how to approach the theme of the other and what positions of power is established in this gesture is something that can be very deep and dense, but it is also useful and necessary to ask yourself how we engage in it, from which place we act as artists or which referents can find in theoretical or artistic works.
en Homesession
Carrer de la Creu dels Molers, 15
08004 Barcelona
29/10/2016 AT 14:00H TO 21:00H ( AT 19:00 TO 21:00 PERFORMATIVE INTERVENTION BY ELISA DUCA/bösediva )
Prticipates team Universitat de Barcelona of Faculty of Fine
From Homesession, the curator Chun-Chi proposed us to develop a collaborative project whose aim was to establish links with foreign persons residing in Barcelona, especially in the Ciutat Vella district. Our idea of collective discussion that arose following address an issue consider how our experience so far and yet so close to our reality, how is immigration. Speaking between us on the proposal, debate arose on how and from what position we should deal with this approach, as equals, and trying to avoid contact by interests other than those involved. In this process of discussion, we realized that it was paradoxical put these conflicts on the table from a distance, so to try to put into play this unre solved conflict we decided to take the public space, so that people could participate in this .
Thus, raising the inverted approach: we propose the assembly of a panel discussion, open and inclusive, accompanied by beers usually bought from peddlers of foreign origin, with the contradiction that it entails. It will be held in the Plaça dels Angels for three main reasons. First, to meet in front of the art institution representing the MACBA; secondly, because immigration is remarkable; and finally, because it is a meeting place for young people like us, and therefore belongs to our daily reality.
Participates : Albert G, Anna V, Antonio D, Carla G, Fabià C, Íria R, Júlia G, Laia G, Martí M, Mireia O, Mireia P, Pau G, Paula G, i Sofía G.
Roue Libre Project
Initiated in 2015 by Jo Te-Jung Chen and co-founded with Fanny Lavergne, Remi Lesterle and Tristan Ligen, Roue Libre (Free Wheel) is a platform for experimental artistic actions. The name of the project « Roue Libre » refers to the freewheel mechanism: the momentary interruption of the rotational drive, the temporary shutdown of the transmission of drive between the engine and the wheel, the latter being nevertheless able to continue to rotate. Participants in each edition discuss about their trajectories, their derivatives, alternating between disconnection and coupling, between strength and friction, between freedom of a wheel and the constraints imposed by its rotation axis.
Participants: Jo Te-Jung Chen, Alexis Chevallier, Gabriel Haberland, Désaxées(Mélissa Brun & Adelyne Huguenin-Virchaux), Fanny Lavergne, Remi Lesterle, Tristan Ligen, Matthieu Stefani, Toco Vervisch, Romain Vicari.
Elisa Duca in part of the artist duo bösediva founded in Berlin in 2009. She works in performance art, sculpture, video- and sound-installation. Her works usually last long, duration plays an important role. She's constantly looking for a balance between chaos and order. Her work is about the becoming of things in their infinite possibilities. Beauty is on display, often in huge intricately designed spaces, but it is not meant to overpower. she insists on offering spectators an aesthetic experience which can also be alienating, and aims at giving spectators the highest possible amount of autonomy to design their own experience.
Chun-Chi Wang is a curator based in Berlin. In 2012, she was Assistant Curator for Taipei Biennial, Modern Monsters / Death and Life of Fiction. Her projects was presented in Berlin, Paris, New York, Taipei, and Seoul in various collaborations from 2010 to 2014. A collective and intergenerational investigation of feminism in the context of contemporary art practice that included a symposium, exhibition; and lecture. She is the founder and director of IDOLONSTUDIO (Berlin).